Living the high life in London..

London, the capital of the UK; centre of the once mighty British Empire where you can still find beautiful and notable iconic buildings such as the Big Ben, Tower of London, Westminster Abbey, to name a few.

The Big Ben

The British Museum
Tower Bridge, often mistaken as the London Bridge


Christmas lights at Piccadilly Circus

For those who like love food (like me), one would be spoilt by the endless options London has to offer. Not surprisingly, you can literallyΒ findΒ food from all over the world considering it’s a cultural melting pot here.

Authentic Korean food at Assa, Tottenham Court Road.


The famous roast duckΒ @ Four Seasons
Authentic Penang prawn noodlesΒ @ Hare &Β Tortoise, Russel Sq.
(Generous servings of king prawns and pork slices, together with the thick and savoury “prawn” broth gets 9/10 points from me! )


Grilled lobster with side salad and friesΒ @ Burger & Lobster, Dean St.

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