Recipe for Sambal Tempe

It’s a simple yet tasty traditonal Malay delicacy, so if you’re bored with the same old dishes everyday, try this dish!!!!
Tempe (available in nearly all supermarkets and markets)
Chilli paste( or pounded dried chillies)
Sugar to taste
Salt to taste
STEP 1: Stir fry the chilli paste until fragrant. Then pound it with chopped onions. Set aside.
STEP 2: Fry the sliced garlic and tempe until they turn golden brown. Set aside.
STEP 3: Stir fry the pounded chillies and onions in a wok or frying pan. Add in the tempe and lastly the fried garlic slices. Add salt and sugar to taste.
Voila! You get your very own authentic Malay delicacy- Sambal tempe!!!!

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  1. walaweiy.
    adeline u cook a lot. means u makan a lot too larh.

  2. i am majeedah btw.
    the cute2 one. lol~

  3. helloooo my fellow foodie lover!
    never knew u loved food and cooking. keep those recipes coming in, they are gonna be so handy for those i-miss-malaysian-food moments. cheers!

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