Kon lou noodles marathon-Part 1


I’m in the process of searching for Kuantan’s best kon lou (mien) noodles. So, my dad and I had been trying out at several stalls around town. The first one was Hap Kee which is located just beside old Kam Mun Lau restaurant off Jalan Haji Ahmad.


This stall enjoys extremely good business every morning and most of the fried wan tan will be finished by 10 am. So, if you want to taste this cruncy and juicy fried wan tan, you better come here early! I ordered the Lam Ming min kon lou (Sg. Lembing noodles) and my dad ordered lou shu fun ( rat’s tail-shaped noodles).

Each bowl of noodles comes with a bowl of yong liu( which includes pork-stuffed tofu, hand-made fish balls, dried tofu, fried stuffed egg plant, etc) with soup. The soup is garnished with spring onions and fried onions, and the best thing about it is there’s no added MSG. So, you won’t feel thirsty after eating it. The noodle is also topped with sring onions and loads and loads of fried onions and its oil. It’s really tasty, but on the other hand, it can be really oily.

Food: 8/10
Calorie content: 6/10
Ambience: 5/10
Service: 6/10
Overall: 25/40

The noodle is superb and the soup is sweet and tasty( no MSG), the fishball is springy and bouncy and great fried wan tan!

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  1. u know wat?
    i'm wif a mouthful of salivar now… lol…;p
    long long time din eat koun lou mian dy…
    nw at U can eat Malay foods ny…
    aiz… ~

  2. haha if u r free go to this stall to eat the kan lou mien reali tasty!!! rmb to go early or else jual habis!!! haha

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