
FoodieAdie’s Quintessential Vietnamese Food Guide: Hoi An, Central Vietnam

Hoi An is famous for its well-preserved Ancient Town. Dotted with old buildings and bridges of various eras and styles, the architecture was heavily influenced by a mixture of cultures such as the Chinese,...

Trekking Mt Kailash in Far West Tibet – A Test to the Mind &...

I have always had a burning desire to travel to Tibet - the pristine snow-capped mountains, the vast barren landscape, the faraway land had me captivated since young. Back in 2018, I had a...

Exhilarating Ride Through The Countryside in Hoi An, Vietnam

When one talks about Hoi An in Vietnam, images of ancient colonial houses along the river banks teeming with wooden boats immediately come to mind. But what else is there to see and do...

My first hospital stay and laparoscopic surgery

Those of you who are close to me may have already known that I undertook a laparoscopy surgery last week to remove ovarian cysts and some adhesions due to endometriosis. For those who don't know...

Looking back at 2015

It's been more than a year since I last wrote on this blog. Caught up with work and life, I have been finding it hard to find time to reflect on my life and...


戏如人生,人生如戏。。。这句话说得一点都没错! 只可惜普通人的每日生活里就没那么精彩咯。。。唉。。。没事情做时就狂追看连戏剧,一看就无发自拔, 从早看到晚, 就连饭也懒得吃, 眼睛也是没有一刻是离的开电脑荧幕的,旁观者看到都觉得恐怖。 可是,身在其中的我们当然是不知情呀!慢慢地,连戏剧就神不知鬼不觉地,吞噬了我们得人生。就这样,我们把自己投射到戏里头的角色,情绪也跟随着剧情的发展而起伏,就这样, 连戏剧就成了我们的麻醉药。。。

First blog of the year!

It's been awhile since I last blogged about my life, I've been kinda lazy to update my blog honestly. Oh well, it's been so long I last write a single word here that I've...

A failed experiment~and things got worse!!!!

This is my first blog post so I'm trying to think up something to write. Haha, so there's this one faithful day, after watching the Asian Food Channel on how to make your very...

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